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Number of projects found: 1100

Name Year Authors Disciplines
Experimental analysis of protogyny in Aquiegia canadensis (Ranunculaceae) 2000 Griffin, Steven R.; Mavraganis, Katherine; Eckert, Christopher G.
Extra-pair paternity and the reproductive role of male floaters in the tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) 2000 Kempenaers, Bart; Everding, Susie; Bishop, Cheryl; Boag, Peter T.; Robertson, Raleigh J. Reproductive Ecology
Fledging success as an index of recruitment in red-winged blackbirds 2000 Weatherhead, Patrick J.; Dufour, Kevin W. Reproductive Ecology
Food stress, nesting growth, and fluctuating asymmetry 2000 Hovorka, Mark; Robertson, Raleigh J. Reproductive Ecology
Genetics of Avian Mating Systems 2000 Boag, Peter T.; Ratcliffe, Laurene M.
Locomotory impairment of resting male largemouth bass following catch-and-release angling 2000 Cooke, Steven J.; Philipp, David P.; Schreer, Jason F.; McKinley, R. S.
Pair formation and copulation behavior in least flycatcher clusters 2000 Tarof, Scott; Ratcliffe, Laurene M. Behavioural Ecology
Paleolimnological evidence of limnetic nutrient concentration equilibrium in a shallow, macrophyte-dominated lake 2000 Karst, Tammy; Smol, John Community Ecology
Parentage analysis with incomplete sampling of candidate parents and offspring 2000 Neff, Bryan D.; Repka, Joe; Gross, Mart R. Genetic Ecology
Patterns of variation in spring emergence by black rat snakes (Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta) 2000 Blouin-Demers, Gabriel; Prior, Kent; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Spatial Ecology
Plasticity in preferred body temperature of young snakes in response to temperature during development 2000 Blouin-Demers, Gabriel; Kissner, Kelley J.; Weatherhead, Patrick J.; Price, A. Physiology
Population differences in the onset of cranial ossification in pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus), a potential cost of rapid growth 2000 Arendt, Jeffrey; Wilson, David R. Population Ecology
Reproductive anatomy and indices of quality in male tree swallows: the potential reproductive role of floaters 2000 Peer, Katherine; Robertson, Raleigh J.; Kempenaers, Bart Reproductive Ecology
Response of birds to broken eggs in their nests 2000 Mallory, Mark L.; Rendell, Wallace B.; Robertson, Raleigh J. Behavioural Ecology
Sexual dimorphism in malodorousness of musk secretions of snakes 2000 Kissner, Kelley J.; Blouin-Demers, Gabriel; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Animal Physiology
Simulating the extinction of parental lineages from introgressive hybridization: the effects of fitness, initial proportions or parental taxa and mate choice 2000 Epifanio, John M.; Philipp, David P.
Sperm characteristics associated with different male reproductive tactics in bluegills (Lepomis macrochirus) 2000 Leach, B.; Montgomerie, Robert D. Reproductive Ecology
Thermal ecology and sexual size dimorphism in northern water snakes, Nerodia sipedon 2000 Brown, Gregory P.; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Physiology
Use of inhalant anesthetics in three snake species 2000 Blouin-Demers, Gabriel; Weatherhead, Patrick J.; Shilton, Catherine; Parent, Christopher; Brown, Gregory P. Experimental Ecology
Variation in sexual and clonal reproduction among introduced populations of flowering rush, Butomus umbellatus (Butomaceae) 2000 Eckert, Christopher G.; Massonnet, Blandine; Thomas, Julia J. Plant Ecology; Reproductive Ecology
A test of the good-genes-as-heterozygosity hypothesis using red-winged blackbirds 1999 Weatherhead, Patrick J.; Dufour, Kevin W.; Lougheed, Stephen C.; Eckert, Christopher G. Genetic Ecology
Demography and sexual size dimorphism in northern water snakes, Nerodia sipedon 1999 Brown, Gregory P.; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Population Ecology
Differentiation in sexuality among populations of Antennaria parlinii (Asteraceae) 1999 O‘Connell, Lisa; Eckert, Christopher G. Reproductive Ecology
Effects of a mite, Limnochares americana (Hydrachnida: Limnocharidae), on the life-history traits and grooming behaviour of its damselfly host, Enallagma ebrium (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) 1999 Leonard, N. J.; Forbes, Mark R.; Baker, Robert L. Parasite Ecology
Effects of population size on the mating system in a self-compatible, autogamous plant, Aquilegia canadensis (Ranunculaceae) 1999 Routley, Matthew B.; Mavraganis, Katherine; Eckert, Christopher G. Population Ecology
Extrapair paternity and egg hatchability in tree swallows: evidence for the genetic compatibility hypothesis? 1999 Kempenaers, Bart; Congdon, Brad; Boag, Peter T.; Robertson, Raleigh J. Genetic Ecology
Extrapair paternity in a far northern population of yellow warblers (Dendroica petechia) 1999 Yezerinac, Stephen; Gibbs, Lisle H.; Briskie, James; Whittam, R.; Montgomerie, Robert D. Genetic Ecology
Factors affecting neonate size variation in northern water snakes, Nerodia sipedon 1999 Weatherhead, Patrick J.; Brown, Gregory P.; Prosser, Melanie R.; Kissner, Kelley J. Reproductive Ecology
Female distribution affects mate searching and sexual selection in male northern water snakes (Nerodia sipedon) 1999 Brown, Gregory P.; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Reproductive Ecology
Floater males engage in extrapair copulations with resident female tree swallows 1999 Barber, Colleen A.; Robertson, Raleigh J. Reproductive Ecology
Growth and sexual size dimorphism in northern water snakes (Nerodia sipedon) 1999 Brown, Gregory P.; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Reproductive Ecology
Hierarchical patterns of genetic population structure in black rat snakes (Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta) as revealed by microsatellite DNA analysis 1999 Lougheed, Stephen C.; Gibbs, H. Lisle; Prior, Kent; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Population Genetics
Loss of sex in clonal populations of a flowering plant, Decodon verticillatus (Lythraceae) 1999 Eckert, Christopher G.; Dorken, Marcel Population Genetics
Microgeographic population genetic structure in the northern water snake, Nerodia sipedon sipedon detected using microsatellite DNA loci 1999 Prosser, Melanie R.; Gibbs, H. Lisle; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Population Genetics
Microsatellite evolution in sunfish (Centrarchidae) 1999 Neff, Bryan D.; Fu, Peng; Gross, Mart R. Genetic Ecology
Nest-site selection by female black-capped chickadees: settlement based on conspecific attraction? 1999 Ramsay, Scott; Otter, Kenneth A.; Ratcliffe, Laurene M. Behavioural Ecology
Parasitism of sympetrum dragonflies by Arrenurus planus mites: maintenance of resistance particular to one species 1999 Forbes, Mark R.; Muma, Katherine E.; Smith, Bruce P. Parasite Ecology
Relationship of bib size to age and sex in the black-capped chickadee 1999 Otter, Kenneth A.; Ratcliffe, Laurene M. Behavioural Ecology
Sequential mating patterns suggest extra-pair mating is not part of a mixed reproductive strategy by female red-winged blackbirds 1999 Weatherhead, Patrick J. Genetic Ecology
The influence of age-specific survivorship on pumpkinseed sunfish life histories 1999 Bertschy, Kirk; Fox, Michael G. Population Ecology
The role of cavity size in the evolution of clutch size in tree swallows 1999 Stewart, Laurie; Robertson, Raleigh J. Reproductive Ecology
Why do diurnal moths have ears? 1999 Fullard, James H.; Dawson, Jeff W. Behavioural Ecology
Bilateral symmetry and social dominance in captive male red-winged blackbirds 1998 Dufour, Kevin W.; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Behavioural Ecology
Bilateral symmetry as an indicator of male quality in red-winged blackbirds: associations with measures of health, viability, and parental effort 1998 Dufour, Kevin W.; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Reproductive Ecology
Certainty of paternity and paternal investment in eastern bluebirds and tree swallows 1998 Kempenaers, Bart; Lanctot, Richard; Robertson, Raleigh J. Reproductive Ecology
Confidence of paternity and paternal care by eastern bluebirds 1998 MacDougall-Shackleton, Elizabeth A.; Robertson, Raleigh J. Genetic Ecology
Do female black-capped chickadees prefer high-ranking males as extra-pair partners? 1998 Otter, Kenneth A.; Ratcliffe, Laurene M.; Michaud-Freeman, Denise; Boag, Peter T. Reproductive Ecology; Genetic Ecology
Does self-pollination provide reproductive assurance in Aquilegia canadensis (Ranunculaceae)? 1998 Eckert, Christopher G.; Schaefer, Amy Reproductive Ecology; Botany
Effects of shoot apex removal in Lythrum salicaria (Lythraceae): Assessing the costs of reproduction and apical dominance 1998 Venecz, Judith; Aarssen, Lonnie W. Botany
Experimental mate replacement does not increase extra-pair paternity in tree swallows 1998 Barber, Colleen A.; Robertson, Raleigh J.; Boag, Peter T. Reproductive Ecology
Frequency of extrapair young increases in second broods of eastern phoebes 1998 Conrad, Kelvin F.; Robertson, Raleigh J.; Boag, Peter T. Genetic Ecology
Homing ability of breeding male tree swallows 1998 Barber, Colleen A.; Robertson, Raleigh J. Behavioural Ecology
Intensity responses of the single auditory receptor of notodontid moths: a test of the peripheral interaction hypothesis in moth ears 1998 Fullard, James H.; Forrest, Evelyn; Surlykke, Annemarie Physiology
Not all receptor cells are equal: octopamine exerts no influence on auditory thresholds in the noctuid moth Catocala cerogama 1998 MacDermid, V.; Fullard, James H. Physiology
Reproductive consequences of bilateral asymmetry for individual male red-winged blackbirds 1998 Dufour, Kevin W.; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Reproductive Ecology
Variation in offspring sex ratios in the northern water snake (Nerodia sipedon) 1998 Weatherhead, Patrick J.; Brown, Gregory P.; Prosser, Melanie R.; Kissner, Kelley J. Reproductive Ecology
A comparison of bluegill reproductive strategies and growth among lakes with different fishing intensities 1997 Drake, Melissa; Claussen, Julie E.; Philipp, David P.; Pereira, Donald Population Ecology
Breeding synchrony and extra-pair mating in red-winged blackbirds 1997 Weatherhead, Patrick J. Reproductive Ecology
Comparison of phytoplankton succession in two lakes of different mixing regimes 1997 Agbeti, Michael D.; Kingston, John C.; Smol, John; Watters, Christine Community Ecology; Limnology
Conflict between antipredator and antiparasite behaviour in larval damselflies 1997 Baker, Robert L.; Smith, Bruce P. Behavioural Ecology