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Number of projects found: 1100

Name Year Authors Disciplines
Style morph ratios in Tristylous Decodon verticillatus (Lythraceae): selection vs. historical contingency 1995 Eckert, Christopher G.; Barrett, Spencer C. H. Genetic Ecology
The influence of age and access to females on dominance in captive male brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) 1995 Teather, Kevin L.; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Behavioural Ecology
The neuroethology of sound production in tiger moths (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) 1995 Dawson, Jeff W.; Fullard, James H. Physiology
The non-lethal effects of predators and the influence of food availability on life history of adult Chironomus tentans (Diptera: Chironomidae) 1995 Ball, Shelley; Baker, Robert L. Feeding Ecology
The temporal dimenstion in fish recruitment: birth date, body size, and size-dependent survive in a sunfish (bluegill: Lepomis macrochirus) 1995 Cargnelli, Luca; Gross, Mart R. Reproductive Ecology
Time of day of egg laying by eastern bluebirds 1995 Meek, Susan B.; Robertson, Raleigh J. Reproductive Ecology
Winter limnology: a comparison of physical, chemical and biological characteristics in two temperate lakes during ice 1995 Agbeti, Michael D.; Smol, John Nutrient Ecology
Age and size-dependent variation in the seasonal timing and probability of reproduction among mature female pumpkinseed, Lepomis gibbosus 1994 Danylchuk, Andy J.; Fox, Michael G. Reproductive Ecology
Begging intensity of nestling birds varies with sibling relatedness 1994 Briskie, James; Naugler, Christopher; Leech, Susan Behavioural Ecology
Cavity-entrance orientation and nest-site use by secondary hole-nesting birds 1994 Rendell, Wallace B.; Robertson, Raleigh J. Reproductive Ecology
Defense of extra nest-sites by a cavity nesting bird, the tree swallow Tachycineta bicolor 1994 Rendell, Wallace B.; Robertson, Raleigh J. Behavioural Ecology
Differentiation of mitochondrial DNA in largemouth bass 1994 Nedbal, Michael; Philipp, David P. Genetic Ecology
Echolocation calls and field identification of the easter pipistrelle (Pipistrellus subflavus: Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae), using ultrasonic bat detectors 1994 MacDonald, K. C.; Matsui, E.; Stevens, Robert.; Fenton, M. Brock Behavioural Ecology
Effects of breeding density, synchrony, and experience on extrapair paternity in tree swallows 1994 Dunn, Peter; Whittingham, Linda; Lifjeld, Jan T.; Robertson, Raleigh J.; Boag, Peter T. Reproductive Ecology
Effects of male removal on the behaviour and reproductive success of female Eastern Bluebirds Sialia sialis 1994 Meek, Susan B.; Robertson, Raleigh J. Behavioural Ecology
Extra-pair copulations in burying beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae) 1994 Robertson, Ian C. Reproductive Ecology
Extra-pair paternity in the black-capped chickadee 1994 Otter, Kenneth A.; Ratcliffe, Laurene M.; Boag, Peter T. Genetic Ecology
Extra-pair paternity in tree swallows: why do females mate with more than one male? 1994 Dunn, Peter; Robertson, Raleigh J.; Michaud-Freeman, Denise; Boag, Peter T. Reproductive Ecology
Extrapair paternity and intraspecific brood parasitism in eastern bluebirds revealed by DNA fingerprinting 1994 Meek, Susan B.; Robertson, Raleigh J.; Boag, Peter T. Population Genetics
Female response to reduced male parental care in birds: an experiment in tree swallows 1994 Whittingham, Linda; Dunn, Peter; Robertson, Raleigh J. Behavioural Ecology
Genetic differentiation among populations of the northern redbelly dace (Phoxinus eos) in Ontario 1994 Toline, Anna C.; Baker, Allan J.
Genetic evidence for cuckoldry in bluegill Lepomis macrochirus 1994 Philipp, David P.; Gross, Mart R. Reproductive Ecology
Growth, density, and interspecific influences on pumpkinseed sunfish life histories 1994 Fox, Michael G. Population Ecology
Inbreeding depression in partially self-fertilizing Decodon verticillatus (Lythraceae): population-genetic and experimental analyses 1994 Eckert, Christopher G.; Barrett, Spencer C. H. Genetic Ecology
Interspecific competition for nestboxes affects mate guarding in eastern bluebirds, Sialia sialis 1994 Meek, Susan B.; Robertson, Raleigh J. Behavioural Ecology
Jamming bat echolocation: the dogbane tiger moth Cycnia tenera times its clicks to the terminal attack calls of the big brown bat Eptesicus fuscus 1994 Fullard, James H.; Simmons, James A.; Saillant, Prestor Behavioural Ecology
Matched counter-singing signals escalation of aggression in black-capped chickadees (Parus atricapillus) 1994 Shackleton, Scott; Ratcliffe, Laurene M. Behavioural Ecology
Mating behaviour of the water mite Arrenurus manubriator (Acari: Arrenuridae) 1994 Proctor, Heather; Smith, Bruce P. Behavioural Ecology
Morphology, ultrastructure and taxonomic status of Toddia sp. in northern water snakes (Nerodia sipedon sipedon) from Ontario, Canada 1994 Smith, Todd; Desser, Sherwin; Hong, Henry Parasite Ecology
Movement patterns and territory acquisition by male red-winged blackbirds 1994 Shutler, Dave; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Spatial Ecology
Natural selection and sexual size dimorphism in red-winged blackbirds 1994 Weatherhead, Patrick J.; Clark, Robert Reproductive Ecology
Neighbour effects on gender variation in Ambrosia artemisiifolia 1994 Lundholm, Jeremy T.; Aarssen, Lonnie W.
Plastic allometry in young sugar maple (Acer saccharum): adaptive responses to light availability 1994 Bonser, Stephen; Aarssen, Lonnie W. Botany
Social rank influences conspicuous behaviour of black-capped chickadees, Parus atricapillus 1994 Zanette, Liana; Ratcliffe, Laurene M. Behavioural Ecology
The cost of extra-pair fertilizations to female red-winged blackbirds 1994 Weatherhead, Patrick J.; Montgomerie, Robert D.; Gibbs, H. Lisle; Boag, Peter T. Genetic Ecology
The development of Hepatozoon sipedon sp. Nov. in its natural host, the Northern water snake, in the culicine vectors Culex pipiens and C. Territans, and in an intermediate host, the Northern leopard frog 1994 Smith, Todd; Desser, Sherwin; Martin, D.
The impact of potential predation upon foraging behaviour of eastern chipmunks 1994 Otter, Kenneth A. Behavioural Ecology
Vocalizations of the tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) during the prelaying period: a structural and contextual analysis 1994 Sharman, M.; Robertson, Raleigh J.; Ratcliffe, Laurene M. Behavioural Ecology
Weak mate guarding in tree swallows: ecological constraint or female control? 1994 Chek, Andrew; Robertson, Raleigh J. Behavioural Ecology
Allozymic variation in local apomictic populations of Lemna minor (Lemnaceae) 1993 Vasseur, Liette; Aarssen, Lonnie W.; Bennett, T. Population Ecology
American robin nestlings compete by jockeying for position 1993 McRae, Susan B.; Weatherhead, Patrick J.; Montgomerie, Robert D. Feeding Ecology
An experimental test of the contrasting-color hypothesis of red-band effects in red-winged blackbirds 1993 Metz, Karen J.; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Experimental Ecology
Auditory influences on the flight behaviour of moths in a nearctic site. II. Flight times, heights, and erraticism 1993 Lewis, Francine; Fullard, James H.; Morrill, Scott Behavioural Ecology
Cavity size, clutch-size and the breeding ecology of tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor 1993 Rendell, Wallace B.; Robertson, Raleigh J. Reproductive Ecology
Changes in singing behavior of male black-capped chickadees (Parus atricapillus) following mate removal 1993 Otter, Kenneth A.; Ratcliffe, Laurene M. Behavioural Ecology
Clonal reproduction and patterns of genotypic diversity in Decodon verticillatus (Lythraceae) 1993 Eckert, Christopher G.; Barrett, Spencer C. H. Population Genetics
Confidence of paternity and male parental care: an experimental study in tree swallows 1993 Whittingham, Linda; Dunn, Peter; Robertson, Raleigh J. Reproductive Ecology
Development of song in hand-reared black-capped chickadees 1993 Shackleton, Scott; Ratcliffe, Laurene M. Behavioural Ecology
Diatom assemblages as indicators of lake trophic status in southeastern Ontario lakes 1993 Christie, Catherine; Smol, John
Evolutionary processes in aquatic plant populations 1993 Barrett, Spencer C. H.; Eckert, Christopher G.; Husband, Brian Population Genetics
Extra-pair paternity in monogamous tree swallows 1993 Lifjeld, Jan T.; Dunn, Peter; Robertson, Raleigh J.; Boag, Peter T. Population Genetics
Extra-pair paternity in polygynous tree swallows 1993 Dunn, Peter; Robertson, Raleigh J. Genetic Ecology
Females have a larger hippocampus than males in the brood-parasitic brown-headed cowbird 1993 Sherry, David F.; Forbes, Mark R.; Khurgel, M.; Ivy, G. Reproductive Ecology
Fluctuating asymmetry and survival ability in the forest tent caterpillar moth Malacosoma disstria: implications for pest management 1993 Naugler, Christopher; Leech, Susan Population Ecology
Foraging flexibility in pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus): influence of habitat structure and prey type 1993 Kieffer, James; Colgan, Patrick W. Behavioural Ecology
Foraging tactic as a potential selection pressure influencing geographic differences in body shape among populations of dace (Phoxinus eos) 1993 Toline, Anna C.; Baker, Allan J.
Nest Intrusions, Infanticide, and parental care in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus oricollis 1993 Robertson, Ian C.
Parasite faunas, testosterone and secondary sexual traits in male red-winged blackbirds 1993 Weatherhead, Patrick J.; Metz, Karen J.; Bennett, Gordon F.; Irwin, Rebecca Behavioural Ecology
Patterns of parental provisioning by eastern phoebes 1993 Conrad, Kelvin F.; Robertson, Raleigh J. Behavioural Ecology
Pentachlorophenol and reduced food intake of bluegill 1993 Samis, Andrew; Colgan, Patrick W.; Johansen, Peter H. Feeding Ecology