  • Fullard, James H.
  • Forrest, Evelyn
  • Surlykke, Annemarie
  • University of Toronto


It has been proposed that the most sensitive auditory receptor cell (A1) in the two-celled ears of certain noctuoid moths is inhibited by its partner, the A2 cell, at high stimulus intensities. We used the single-celled ears of notodontid moths, also noctuoids, to test this hypothesis. The A1 cells of all but one of the moths tested exhibited non-monotonic firing rates, with reduced firing rates at high stimulus intensities and showing no relationship to the firing rate of the only other receptor, the non-auditory B cell. These results challenge the peripheral interaction hypothesis for A1 firing patterns in two-celled moth ears. An examination of notodontid A1 adaptation rates and laser vibrometry results suggests that receptor adaptation and tympanal motion non-linearity are more likely explanations for the non-monotonic receptor firing observed in both single- and multi-celled moth ears


Moths were captured at QUBS and experimented on in the lab