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Number of projects found: 1100

Name Year Authors Disciplines
Cryptic self-incompatibility in tristylous Decodon verticillatus (Lythraceae) 1997 Eckert, Christopher G.; Allen, Maryl Reproductive Ecology
Effect of population size structure on reproductive investment of male bluegill 1997 Jennings, Martin; Claussen, Julie E.; Philipp, David P. Population Ecology
Effects of reproduction on survival and growth of female northern water snakes, Nerodia sipedon 1997 Brown, Gregory P.; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Reproductive Ecology
Evidence of a heritable component to body shape in the northern redbelly dace (Phoxinus eos) 1997 Toline, Anna C.; Baker, Allan J.
Extra-pair mating, male plumage coloration and sexual selection in yellow warblers (Dendroica petechia) 1997 Yezerinac, Stephen; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Genetic Ecology
Fluctuating asymmetry in relation to indices of quality acid fitness in the damselfly, Enallagma ebrium (Hagen) 1997 Leung, Brian; Forbes, Mark R. Population Ecology
Genetic estimates of annual and lifetime reproductive success in male red-winged blackbirds 1997 Weatherhead, Patrick J.; Boag, Peter T. Reproductive Ecology
Geographic patterns in genetic and life history variation in pumpkinseed populations from four east-central Ontario watersheds 1997 Fox, Michael G.; Claussen, Julie E.; Philipp, David P. Population Genetics
Honest advertisement and song output during the dawn chorus of black-capped chickadees 1997 Otter, Kenneth A.; Chruszcz, Bryan; Ratcliffe, Laurene M. Behavioural Ecology
How robins find worms 1997 Montgomerie, Robert D.; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Behavioural Ecology
Morphological and growth rate differences between bluegill males of alternative reproductive life histories 1997 Ehlinger, Timothy; Gross, Mart R.; Philipp, David P. Reproductive Ecology
Notes: fish energetics: larger individuals emerge from winter in better conditions 1997 Cargnelli, Luca; Gross, Mart R. Population Ecology
Population genetic structure in the black rat snake: implications for management 1997 Prior, Kent; Gibbs, H. Lisle; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Genetic Ecology
Predation by hydra on larval fish: field and laboratory experiments with bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) 1997 Elliott, J. K.; Elliott, J. M.; Leggett, William C. Community Ecology
Relative acute effects of low pH and high iron on the hatching and survival of the water mite (Arrenurus manubriator) and the aquatic insect (Chironomus riparius) 1997 Rousch, Jeffrey; Simmons, Thomas; Kerans, Billie; Smith, Bruce P. Environmental Toxicology
Reproductive synchrony and extra-pair mating strategy in a socially monogamous bird, Dendroica petechia 1997 Yezerinac, Stephen; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Animal Behaviour
Spatial and contact behaviour of raccoons using a common feeding area 1997 Totton, Sarah Spatial Ecology
The impact of catch-and-release angling on the reproductive success of smallmouth bass and largemouth bass 1997 Philipp, David P.; Toline, Anna C.; Kubacki, Mark F.; Phelan, Frank J. S. Fisheries Research; Reproductive Ecology
The impact of catch-and-release angling on the reproductive success of smallmouth bass and largemouth bass 1997 Philipp, David P.; Kubacki, Mark F. Reproductive Ecology
The potential to lay replacement clutches by tree swallows 1997 Rooneem, Taali; Robertson, Raleigh J. Reproductive Ecology
An improved chemiluminescent tag for bats 1996 Hovorka, Mark; Marks, Cynthia; Muller, Eileen Experimental Ecology
Breeding behavior and reproductive success of cerulean warblers in southeastern Ontario 1996 Oliarnyk, Catherine; Robertson, Raleigh J. Behavioural Ecology
Cleistogamy limits reduction in seed set in Danthonia compressa (Poaceae) caused by allelopathic pollen from Phleum pratense (Poaceae) 1996 Murphy, Stephen D.; Aarssen, Lonnie W. Reproductive Ecology
Cuckoldry and lack of parentage-dependent paternal care in yellow warblers: a cost-benefit approach 1996 Yezerinac, Stephen; Weatherhead, Patrick J.; Boag, Peter T. Behavioural Ecology
DNA fingerprinting of bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) using (GT)n microsatellites and its potential for assessment of mating success 1996 Colbourne, John; Neff, Bryan D.; Wright, Jonathan; Gross, Mart R. Genetic Ecology
Effects of forest management practices and forest cutting history on the songbird communities of mature hardwood forest stands, Lake Opinicon, Leeds/Frontenac Cos., Ontario 1996 Martin, Paul R.
Estimation of organism-wide asymmetry in red-winged blackbirds and its relation to studies of mates 1996 Dufour, Kevin W.; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Reproductive Ecology
Evolutionary consequences of extensive morph loss in tristylous Decodon verticillatus (lythraceae): a shift from tristyly to distyly? 1996 Eckert, Christopher G.; Mavraganis, Katherine Genetic Ecology
Extra nest site occupancy by tree swallows: do floaters avoid nest sites near settled pairs? 1996 Mitchell, Jeremy B.; Robertson, Raleigh J. Behavioural Ecology
Female initiated divorce in a monogamous songbird: abandoning mates for males of higher quality 1996 Otter, Kenneth A.; Ratcliffe, Laurene M. Reproductive Ecology
Frequency-dependent selection on morph ratios in tristylous Lythrum salicaria (Lythraceae) 1996 Eckert, Christopher G.; Manicacci, Domenica; Barrett, Spencer C. H. Applied Ecology
Habitat features of black rat snake hibernacula in Ontario 1996 Prior, Kent; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Behavioural Ecology
Heterospecific pollen transfer between sympatric species in a midsuccessional old-field community 1996 McLernon, Susan; Murphy, Stephen D.; Aarssen, Lonnie W. Community Ecology
Male-female morph interactions in the damselfly Nehalennia irene (Hagen) 1996 Forbes, Mark R.; Schalk, Gina; Miller, Greg J.; Richardson, Jean Reproductive Ecology
Measurement versus estimation of condition in snakes 1996 Weatherhead, Patrick J.; Brown, Gregory P.
Neurometamorhposis of the ear in the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, and its homologue in the earless forest tent caterpillar moth, Malacosoma disstria 1996 Lewis, Francine; Fullard, James H.
Post-hibernation mortality in black rat snakes, Elaphe o. obsoleta 1996 Pior, Kent; Shilton, Catherine Population Ecology
Predator--induced life history changes: antipredator behavior costs or facultative life history shifts 1996 Ball, Shelley; Baker, Robert L. Population Ecology
Response of american redstarts (suborder Passeri) and least flycatchers (suborder Tyranni) to heterospecific playback: the role of song in aggressive interactions and interference competition 1996 Martin, Paul R.; Fotheringham, James; Ratcliffe, Laurene M.; Robertson, Raleigh J. Behavioural Ecology
Temporary male removal increases extra-pair paternity in eastern bluebirds 1996 MacDougall-Shackleton, Elizabeth A.; Robertson, Raleigh J.; Boag, Peter T. Reproductive Ecology
Testing for cost of apical dominance in vegetation: a field study of three species 1996 Irwin, Deborah; Aarssen, Lonnie W. Community Ecology
The closed-loop nature of the tymbal response in the dogbane tiger moth, Cycnia tenera (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) 1996 Northcott, Mark; Fullard, James H. Physiology
The high frequency of extra-pair paternity in tree swallows is not an artifact of nestboxes 1996 Barber, Colleen A.; Robertson, Raleigh J.; Boag, Peter T. Reproductive Ecology
A prairie warbler with a conspecific and heterospecific song repertoire 1995 Martin, Paul R.; Fotheringham, James; Robertson, Raleigh J. Behavioural Ecology
Allelopathic pollen extract from Phleum pratense L. (Paceae) reduces germination, in vitro, of pollen of sympatric species 1995 Murphy, Stephen D.; Aarssen, Lonnie W. Reproductive Ecology
Blood Parasites and Dominance in Captive Blackbirds 1995 Weatherhead, Patrick J.; Metz, Karen J.; Shutler, Dave; Muma, Katherine E.; Bennett, Gordon F. Behavioural Ecology
Chrysophyte population and encystment patterns in two Canadian lakes 1995 Agbeti, Michael D.; Smol, John Population Ecology
Demography and growth of the exotic zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in the Rideau River (Ontario) 1995 Martel, André Population Ecology
Effects of catch-and-release angling on nesting male smallmouth bass 1995 Kieffer, James; Kubacki, Mark F.; Phelan, Frank J. S.; Philipp, David P.; Tufts, Bruce L. Applied Ecology
Effects of female reproductive success of familiarity and experience among male red-winged blackbirds 1995 Weatherhead, Patrick J. Spatial Ecology; Animal Behaviour
Extra-pair paternity and the opportunity for sexual selection in a socially monogamous bird (Dendroica petechia) 1995 Yezerinac, Stephen; Weatherhead, Patrick J.; Boag, Peter T. Genetic Ecology
Frequency of female morphs is related to an index of male density in the damselfy, Nehalennia irene (Hagen) 1995 Forbes, Mark R.; Richardson, Jean; Baker, Robert L. Population Ecology
How convergent is the american redstart (Septophaga ruticilla, Parulinae) with flycatchers (Tyrannidae) in morphology and feeding behavior? 1995 Keast, Allen; Pearce, Laura; Saunders, Sari Behavioural Ecology
In vitro allelopathic effects of pollen from three Hieracium species (Asteraceae) and pollen transfer to sympatric Fabaceae 1995 Murphy, Stephen D.; Aarssen, Lonnie W. Reproductive Ecology
Local Resources competition and sex ratio variation in birds 1995 Weatherhead, Patrick J.; Montgomerie, Robert D. Reproductive Ecology
Pair and extra-pair mating success relative to male quality in red-winged blackbirds 1995 Weatherhead, Patrick J.; Boag, Peter T. Reproductive Ecology
Predicting patterns of prey use from morphology of fishes 1995 Wainwright, Peter; Richard, Barton Community Ecology
Reduced seed set in Elytrigia repens caused by allelopathic pollen from Phleum pratense 1995 Murphy, Stephen D.; Aarssen, Lonnie W. Reproductive Ecology
Sex ratios, mating behavior and sexual size dimorphism of the northern water snake, Nerodia sipedon 1995 Weatherhead, Patrick J.; Barry, Frances; Brown, Gregory P.; Forbes, Mark R. Behavioural Ecology
Song degradation and estimation of acoustic distance in black-capped chickadees (Parus atricapillus) 1995 Fotheringham, James; Ratcliffe, Laurene M. Behavioural Ecology