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Number of projects found: 46

Red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) with higher baseline glucocorticoids also invest less in incubation and clutch mass


Glucocorticoid hormones facilitate responses to environmental challenges by mediating diverse physiological and behavioral changes, including resource mobilization and altered reproductive effort. Elevated glucocorticoids might indicate that an individual is facing high levels of environmental challenges and thus, elevated concentrations might be associated with...

Reproductive history and nest environment are correlated with circulating androgen and glucocorticoid concentrations in a parental care–providing teleost fish


Using a long-term study population of wild smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu in a connected river-lake system, we investigated whether circulating glucocorticoid (cortisol) and androgen (testosterone) concentrations are influenced by reproductive investment and nesting environment in fish providing nest-guarding paternal care...

Response of birds to broken eggs in their nests


We tested the responses of two bird species which nest on unmovable substrates (e.g., cavities and walls) to simulated and actual egg damage in their nest. Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) and Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) removed...

Response to peck


The comment by Peck on our note "A double-brooded Eastern Kingbird" brings up a valid point. Since the female involved was not banded, we cannot be absolutely sure that the same female was responsible for both nests.

Risk-taking by red-winged blackbirds and the Concorde Fallacy


Risks taken by female red‐winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) in defence of their young were recorded for individuals with differing past investment but identical expected benefits. Investment was manipulated by switching clutches of equal size between nests differing in...