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Number of projects found: 1092

Response to peck


The comment by Peck on our note "A double-brooded Eastern Kingbird" brings up a valid point. Since the female involved was not banded, we cannot be absolutely sure that the same female was responsible for both nests.

A case of insect grazing affecting plant succession


The effect of phytophagous beetles on plant succession in an old—field community in southeastern Ontario was investigated over a 5—yr period. An experimental comparison of insecticide treated and untreated plots indicates that grazing by Trirhabda spp. on the goldenrod Solidago...

Aggressive and territorial behaviour in female red-winged blackbirds


Female Red-winged Blackbirds were observed to interact aggressively with conspecific females during the breeding season. Redwing females attempted to repel intruding females through the use of vocalizations, displays, and aggressive chases. Mapped positions of marked individuals indicated that female Red-winged...

Risk-taking by red-winged blackbirds and the Concorde Fallacy


Risks taken by female red‐winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) in defence of their young were recorded for individuals with differing past investment but identical expected benefits. Investment was manipulated by switching clutches of equal size between nests differing in...

Superterritoriality in tree swallows: a reexamination


Field experiments were conducted on a population of nesting Tree Swallows (Iridoprocne bicolor) to assess whether the evolved function of territoriality is to prevent breeding by conspecifics (superterritoriality). The size and orientation of territories were estimated...

An increase in parental investment during the breeding season


The intensity of nest-defence aggression by female redwinged black birds (Agelaius phoeniceus) with eggs decreased late in the breeding season, while aggression at this time increased amongst females defending broods. High predation pressure late in the breeding season decreased the...

Sex ratio variations in Xylophilous aculeate Hymenoptera


Organisms which reproduce sexually may often provide differing relative investments in offspring of the two sexes,and factors influencing the proportions of these investments are poorly understood.Theoretical discussions (Trivers,1972; Charnov,1979) have rarely been supported by adequate field evidence (but see Cowan,1978...

Alternative male life histories in bluegill sunfish


Male bluegill sunfish are shown to have two alternative mating strategies: cuckoldry or parental care. Cuckolder males first mature at age 2. They follow a developmental sequence of sneaking and then mimicking female behavior to deceptively gain access to spawnings...

Cuckoldry in sunfishes (Lepomis: Centrarchidae)


Male sunfishes build nests and provide care for eggs spawned therein. It is shown here that small non-nesting male pumpkinseed and bluegill will intrude during conspecific spawnings, to fertilize eggs. Such behaviour cuckolds the males which care for the brood.

Jamming bat echolocation: the clicks of arctiid moths


Analysis of the clicks produced by some arctiid moths shows that their acoustic characteristics (power spectra and frequency–time structures) are remarkably similar to those of frequency-modulated echolocation calls produced by many bats as they close with their prey. We suspect...