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Site infidelity in song sparrows


In each of 4 years of study of a breeding population of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) approximately two-thirds of the males holding territories at the beginning of the breeding season had abandoned those territories before the end of...

Female spacing patterns in brown-headed cowbirds


Breeding female cowbirds at the Queen's University Biological Station are often aggressive when encountering other females within their ranges, but they do not defend exclusive territories. The likelihood of aggression appears to be a function of two factors. First, females...

On succession in a saxicolous lichen community


The lichen flora was sampled at each of the five sites on a near-vertical gneiss rock face. The sites were ranked according to the degree of weathering of the rock surface and were taken to represent different stages in a...

Statistical comparison of weighted overlap measures


Ecological studies using measures of overlap or similarity often treat these measures as free of sampling error. If sample sizes are relatively small, however, the estimates of overlap may not be accurate, and misleading interpretations may result. Two methods are...

Why hummingbirds hover


Hummingbirds are noted for their hovering flight, and it has been shown that a bird that hovers can move more quickly between flowers than one that perches. Because the relative importance of energetic costs vs. speed increases with body size...

Do male tree swallows guard their mates?


We monitored the time spent at the nest and following behavior of mated tree swallows to determine if males were guarding their mates. The proportion of time spent together at the nest did not decrease significantly between fertile and postfertile...