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Number of projects found: 137

Name Year Authors Disciplines
Tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor): a new model organism? 2003 Jones, Jason
Trophic positions and mercury concentrations in rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) and native forage fishes in lakes of northwestern Ontario 2003 Swanson, Heidi; Johnston, Tom A.; Leggett, William C.
Testes size and asymmetry in the tree swallow Tachycineta bicolor: a test of the compensation hypothesis 2002 Kempenaers, Bart; Peer, Katharine; Vermierssen, Etienne; Robertson, Raleigh J. Reproductive Ecology
Tactic-specific success in sperm competition 2001 Fu, Peng; Neff, Bryan D.; Gross, Mart R. Reproductive Ecology
Territory and nest-site selection of cerulean warblers in eastern Ontario 2001 Jones, Jason; Robertson, Raleigh J. Spatial Ecology
The Influence of Terminal Tackle on Injury, Handling Time, and Cardiac Disturbance of Rock Bass 2001 Cooke, Steven J.; Dunmall, Karen M.; Schreer, Jason F.; Philipp, David P.
Thermal ecology of the black rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta) in a thermally challenging environment 2001 Blouin-Demers, Gabriel; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Population Ecology
Trace elements in the fur of bats (Chiroptera: Veapertilioridae) from Ontario and Quebec, Canada 2001 Hickey, B. C.; Fenton, M. Brock; MacDonald, K. C.; Soulliere, Colleen
Thermal ecology and sexual size dimorphism in northern water snakes, Nerodia sipedon 2000 Brown, Gregory P.; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Physiology
The influence of age-specific survivorship on pumpkinseed sunfish life histories 1999 Bertschy, Kirk; Fox, Michael G. Population Ecology
The role of cavity size in the evolution of clutch size in tree swallows 1999 Stewart, Laurie; Robertson, Raleigh J. Reproductive Ecology
The impact of catch-and-release angling on the reproductive success of smallmouth bass and largemouth bass 1997 Philipp, David P.; Toline, Anna C.; Kubacki, Mark F.; Phelan, Frank J. S. Fisheries Research; Reproductive Ecology
The impact of catch-and-release angling on the reproductive success of smallmouth bass and largemouth bass 1997 Philipp, David P.; Kubacki, Mark F. Reproductive Ecology
The potential to lay replacement clutches by tree swallows 1997 Rooneem, Taali; Robertson, Raleigh J. Reproductive Ecology
Temporary male removal increases extra-pair paternity in eastern bluebirds 1996 MacDougall-Shackleton, Elizabeth A.; Robertson, Raleigh J.; Boag, Peter T. Reproductive Ecology
Testing for cost of apical dominance in vegetation: a field study of three species 1996 Irwin, Deborah; Aarssen, Lonnie W. Community Ecology
The closed-loop nature of the tymbal response in the dogbane tiger moth, Cycnia tenera (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) 1996 Northcott, Mark; Fullard, James H. Physiology
The high frequency of extra-pair paternity in tree swallows is not an artifact of nestboxes 1996 Barber, Colleen A.; Robertson, Raleigh J.; Boag, Peter T. Reproductive Ecology
The influence of age and access to females on dominance in captive male brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) 1995 Teather, Kevin L.; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Behavioural Ecology
The neuroethology of sound production in tiger moths (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) 1995 Dawson, Jeff W.; Fullard, James H. Physiology
The non-lethal effects of predators and the influence of food availability on life history of adult Chironomus tentans (Diptera: Chironomidae) 1995 Ball, Shelley; Baker, Robert L. Feeding Ecology
The temporal dimenstion in fish recruitment: birth date, body size, and size-dependent survive in a sunfish (bluegill: Lepomis macrochirus) 1995 Cargnelli, Luca; Gross, Mart R. Reproductive Ecology
Time of day of egg laying by eastern bluebirds 1995 Meek, Susan B.; Robertson, Raleigh J. Reproductive Ecology
The cost of extra-pair fertilizations to female red-winged blackbirds 1994 Weatherhead, Patrick J.; Montgomerie, Robert D.; Gibbs, H. Lisle; Boag, Peter T. Genetic Ecology
The development of Hepatozoon sipedon sp. Nov. in its natural host, the Northern water snake, in the culicine vectors Culex pipiens and C. Territans, and in an intermediate host, the Northern leopard frog 1994 Smith, Todd; Desser, Sherwin; Martin, D.
The impact of potential predation upon foraging behaviour of eastern chipmunks 1994 Otter, Kenneth A. Behavioural Ecology
The evolution of sociality in fishes with emphasis on the role of parasites 1993 Côté, Isabelle Parasite Ecology
The gleaning attacks of the northern long-eared bat, Myotis septentrionalis, are relatively inaudible to moths 1993 Faure, Paul A.; Fullard, James H.; Dawson, Jeff W. Behavioural Ecology
Tree swallows cannot be classified as determinate or indeterminate layers 1993 Mitchell, Jeremy B.; Robertson, Raleigh J. Reproductive Ecology
The energy cost of bee pollination for Pontederia cordata (Pontederiaceae) 1992 Harder, Lawrence; Barrett, Spencer C. H. Botany
The neuroethology of sound production in tiger moths (Lepidoptera, arctiidae) 1992 Fullard, James H. Behavioural Ecology
The role of temperature in microhabitat selection by northern water snakes (Nerodia sipedon) 1992 Robertson, Ian C.; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Animal Behaviour
Thermal constraints on swimming performance and escape response of northern water snakes (Nerodia sipedon) 1992 Weatherhead, Patrick J.; Robertson, Ian C. Behavioural Ecology
The effects of exogenous 11-ketotestosterone, testosterone, and cyproterone acetate on prespawning and parental care behaviors of male bluegill 1991 Kindler, Pawel M.; Bahr, Janice M.; Philipp, David P. Behavioural Ecology
The role of temperature in microhabitat selection by northern water snakes (Nerodia sipedon) 1991 Robertson, Ian C.; Weatherhead, Patrick J. Physiology
Transfer and expression of the catabolic plasmid pBRC60 in wild bacterial recipients in a freshwater ecosystem 1991 Fulthorpe, Roberta R.; Wyndham, Campbell R. Environmental Toxicology
The effects of contrast and position on habituation to models of predators in eastern banded killifish (Fundulus diaphanus) 1990 Welch, Caroline; Colgan, Patrick W. Behavioural Ecology
The effects of prey availability and predation risk on habitat selection by juvenile bluegill sunfish 1990 Gotceitas, Vytenis; Colgan, Patrick W. Behavioural Ecology
The importance of omnivory and predator regulation of prey in freshwater fish assemblages of North America 1990 Vadas, Robert L., Jr. Community Ecology
The response of tympanate moths to the echolocation calls of a substrate gleaning bat, Myotis evotis 1990 Faure, Paul A.; Fullard, James H.; Barclay, Robert M. R. Ecology
Temporal and thermal aspects of hibernation of black rat snakes (Elaphe obsoleta) in Ontario 1989 Weatherhead, Patrick J. Behavioural Ecology
The impact of male parental care on female eastern kingbird reproductive success 1989 Hayes, Patricia A.; Robertson, Raleigh J. Reproductive Ecology
Temporal changes in the pollinator fauna of tristylous Pontederia cordata, an aquatic plant 1988 Wolfe, Lorne M.; Barrett, Spencer C. H. Ecology
The influence of hunger, shoal size and predator presence on foraging in bluntnose minnows 1988 Morgan, M. Joanne Behavioural Ecology
The role of experience in foraging shoals of bluntnose minnows (Pimephales notatus) 1988 Morgan, M. Joanne; Colgan, Patrick W. Ecology
The tuning of moth ears 1988 Fullard, James H. Behavioural Ecology
The effects of predator presence and shoal size on foraging in bluntnose minnows, Pimephales notatus 1987 Morgan, M. Joanne; Colgan, Patrick W. Behavioural Ecology
The paradox of age-related dominance in brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) 1987 Weatherhead, Patrick J.; Teather, Kevin L. Behavioural Ecology
Two methods of sexing adult tree swallows before they begin breeding 1987 Stutchbury, Bridget J.; Robertson, Raleigh J. Experimental Ecology
The effect of prey morphology and size on handling time in a piscivore, the largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) 1986 Hoyle, James A.; Keast, Allen Behavioural Ecology
The influence of moonlight on the behavior of goatsuckers (Caprimulgidae) 1986 Mills, Alexander M. Behavioural Ecology
The adaptive significance of behavioural ontogeny in some centrarchid fishes 1985 Brown, Joseph A. Behavioural Ecology
The growth and feeding behaviour responses of largemouth bass (Micropeterus salmoides) exposed to PCP 1985 Mathers, Alastair R.; Brown, Joseph A.; Johansen, Peter H. Environmental Toxicology; Fish Behaviour
The ontogeny of social behaviour in four species of centrarchid fish 1985 Brown, Joseph A.; Colgan, Patrick W. Behavioural Ecology
The piscivore feeding guild of fishes in small freshwater ecosystems 1985 Keast, Allen Community Ecology
Territorial behaviour of male Nannothemis bella (Uhler) (Anisoptera: Libellulidae) 1984 Hilder, Barbara; Colgan, Patrick W. Spatial Ecology; Behavioural Ecology
The introduced aquatic macrophyte, Myriophyllum spicatum, as habitat for fish and their prey 1984 Keast, Allen Community Ecology; Invasive Ecology
The ontogeny of feeding behaviour in four species of centrarchid fish 1984 Brown, Joseph A.; Colgan, Patrick W. Behavioural Ecology; Fish Ecology
The statospore of Mallomonas pseudocoronata (Mallomonadaceae, Chrysophyeae) 1984 Smol, John Limnology
The effect of plant size on reproductive characteristics in Erythronium americanum (Liliaceae) 1983 Wolfe, Lorne M. Reproductive Ecology